Am creat aceste vouchere pentru ca tu sa-ti poti surprinde cu un cadou deosebit femeile speciale din viata ta. Voucherul acopera o sesiune foto pe care sa si-o aminteasca toata viata, un portret care sa ramana peste ani si ani.
Se va simti rasfatata si frumoasa, se va distra si in urma sedintei va avea mai multa incredere in ea.
Acest voucher poate fi un cadou frumos pentru sotia ta, un cadou special pentru iubita ta, pentru amandoua :)), poate fi un cadou pentru mama ta sau sora, fiica, angajata ta…
Ii poti oferi un voucher cadou pentru portrete in valoare de : 500 € , 900 € sau 1350 € pe care tu sa platesti luna aceasta cu pana la 40% mai putin fata de valoare lor reala, respectiv : 350€, 600€, sau 800€.
Comanda voucherul cu un click pe cel dorit.
Ce femeie minunata vei surprinde astazi cu un cadou frumos?
Despre sedintele Portrait Couture poti citi mai multe informatii aici.
Fotograf de portrete Bucuresti
Does she know how beautiful you still think she is?
For that special lady in your life… offer her a portrait couture photography session that she will treasure for life, a portrait that will last forever, a legacy.
She will feel spoiled and beautiful, empowered and confident, and she’ll have fun!
A beautiful gift for your wife, your partner, both :)), your mother, your sister, your daughter or your friend.
You may offer her a portrait photography voucher valued at 500, 900 or 1350€ but you’ll pay with up to 40% less than their real value, if you buy them this month. So, these are the prices: 350€, 600€ and 800€.
You can buy it through bank transfer. You’ll receive all the info and an invoice for your purchase ( VAT is not included in the prices listed above ) by email.
I can send the voucher with or without the value on it directly in her email.
Find more info about the Portrait Couture experience here.
Order yours from the shop section here
or with a click on the voucher that you want.